When would team interpreters be needed and why?
Answer: Following 'best practices' established by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID), It is important to have 'teams' for lengthy assignments or technical / high degree of difficulty assignments for several reasons. Assignments of 1.5 hours or more may require a team to ensure accuracy, to 'feed' information through lag-time, and to be able to swap out and reduce the potential of hazards such as carpal tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injury. There are occasions when a team of interpreters is recommended for assignments less than 1.5 hours if the information being covered is highly technical and/or has a high degree of difficulty to interpret for the same reasons.
What if the assignment runs longer then the agreed length of time?
Answer: The Interpreter may agree to stay longer than the scheduled length of time if they are able and have no conflicts with their schedule the rest of the day. By allowing the Interpreter to stay longer than the scheduled length of time, the Contracting Entity (Client) is authorizing and agreeing to pay for ALL hours of services rendered.
What if the scheduled appointment hours cross over 6pm?
Answer: If an appointment should go over 6pm, the Contracting Entity (Client) will be charged the after hours hourly rate for that time period that had gone over to the nearest 15 minute increment. (i.e. Appointment scheduled from 4pm to 7pm = 4pm -6pm, 2 hours @ $50.00/hr. + 6pm - 7pm, 1hour @ $60.00/hr. for a total of: $160.00 + applicable mileage, and incidentals if any) *Example: ’Actual’ fees vary state by state. Please contact Fair Interpreting, LLC or review a current contract for your state regarding pricing information for services.
What if the Contracting Entity (Client) cancelled the appointment on the same day of the appointment?
Answer: The Contracting Entity (Client) is still liable for payment. Required notice for cancellation of interpretation services without cost to the Contracting Entity (Client) are as follows: ASSIGNMENT LENGTH: 1-2 hours 48 weekday hours' notice. 3-5 hours 72 weekday hours' notice. 6-8 hours 96 weekday hours' notice. Weekday hours are defined as 24 hours Monday through Friday. Should cancellation of assignment not fall within these deadlines, the time booked will be billed for in full. Ongoing appointments of one month or more (i.e. educational interpreting of a semester or longer) that is cancelled will be billed for the next two weeks worth of class periods after notifying FAIR INTERPRETING, LLC of cancellation. What if the Consumer does not show and the Intrepreter is there for the appointment? Answer : The Contracting Enitity (Client) is still responsible for payment of the scheduled appointment.
What if the Interpreter does not show for an appointment?
Answer: Fair Interpreting, LLC will do their best to find a replacement Interpreter for the pending appointment. If a replacement is unable to be located in time, the Contracting Entity (Client) will not be invoiced for this appointment.
What if the Interpreter is late to the appointment?
Answer: The two hour minimum shall begin when the Interpreter arrives either on time or 'later', OR the Contracting Entity (Client) may choose to reschedule the appointment with no penalty.
If I am responsible for paying mileage for the interpreter, Can you guarantee they will be local?
Answer: Fair Interpreting, LLC will endeavor to utilize certified interpreter(s) that are close to your locale to cover the appointment. However, due to the high demand and short supply of interpreters, it may not be possible. Fair Interpreting, LLC may draw upon interpreting resources outside the local area on occasion to facilitate your need for an Interpreter. What if Contracting Entity (Client) has billing concerns? Answer: Contact Fair Interpreting, LLC. Phone 443-293-2276, Fax 717-889-4959 or Email Fairinterpreting@gmail.com. We will be happy to assist you however we can in resolving any issues.
Why do I need a sign language interpreter?
Answer: To facilitate equality in ‘access’ and equality in ‘communication’ as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act (www.ada.gov ). American Sign Language is a separate and distinct language from English which has its own grammar and syntax. ‘Writing’ back and forth does not translate accurately and is often summarized, losing elements of the message. Using a professional Interpreter enables the message to be conveyed accurately and expediently.
Can I just ask the Deaf / Hard of Hearing person to bring a friend or family member to interpret for them?
Answer: Here are just a few reasons why it is not recommended to use friends or family: Professional Interpreters are certified through the Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf (www.rid.org). Certified Interpreters must abide by a Code of Professional Conduct and respect other codes of conduct such as HIPPA, friends and family members may not be bound by these rules. Additionally, a friend or family member may not be ‘qualified’ to interpret and may not necessarily be a ‘neutral’ party to the information being discussed. This in turn may or may not present inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the translation of the message, and may also put an undue legal burden on you or your company. Using a professional sign language Interpreter is an efficient, safe, and accurate way to facilitate communication with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing