Our Mission
To facilitate equality in communication through professionalism in interpretation.
Fair interpreting LLC was established in 2009 to continue meeting the growing demand for interpreting services. Nationally, the demand for Interpreting services continues to outpace supply.
Fair Interpreting LLC assists individuals and corporate clients in meeting some of their requirements and obligations outlined by the Americans with Disabilities Act in regards to accessibility and equality in communication.
Fair interpreting LLC works with only nationally certified sign language interpreters covering the south central Pennsylvania, and Baltimore / Washington areas. Please feel free to contact us for additional information.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that the express choice of the individual with the disability, who is in the best position to know his or her needs, should be given primary consideration which communication aid to provide - Department Of Justice.
In other words, The Deaf or Hard of Hearing Individual is in the best position to know if they would require the services of a American Sign Language Interpreter to enable equal access of communication for any given situation.
American Sign Language is a completely separate language from English with its own rules for grammar and sentence structure. There are Regional and International differences in signs as one sees in spoken language. These variations in sign language along with hand placement, facial expression, ethnicity, age and gender are but a few of the factors that influence the communication.